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How to Build Lean Muscle on a Budget

Looking to build lean muscle but fear doing so will be unaffordable? It's a common misconception that bulking up requires expensive supplements and organic food. But with a few behavioural and shopping changes, you'll find that building lean muscle on a budget is well within your grasp. 

The current pandemic has many people tightening their belts. Including those in Calgary who are focused on fitness. But how do you build lean muscle or maintain the gains you currently have when you're on a budget? Well, we're here to tell you that it's actually easier than you may think. 

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How to build lean muscle on a budget

The fitness world is replete with advertising campaigns that say you must spend a lot of money to see the results you desire. No more is this evident in the marketing of expensive supplements or protein powders. But there is a way to build lean muscle on a budget. It just takes a bit of behaviour modification and shopping savvy to get it done. Here are a few ways to achieve your muscle building or fitness goals without breaking the bank. 

Skip the restaurants and eat at home

If you're truly looking to cut costs and keep your budget from being blown, cutting out meals at restaurants is a great first step towards trimming your spending. No matter how tempting it may be when you receive that text from your friends asking you to go out for a quick bite, just keep your goals in mind and be resilient. If building lean muscle is truly important to you, sacrificing a few meals out on the town should be no big deal. One way you can motivate yourself to keep on track with this goal is to calculate all the money you've saved from choosing not to eat at restaurants. Skipped dinner and drinks with your friends? Well, there's probably $60-$80 that's been kept in your bank account. You'll even start doing this mental calculation with other spending decisions. 

Buy in bulk

Buying in bulk always provides more bang for your buck. Anytime you see a product in a single-serve package, your brain should automatically think 'more money'. Look for bulk deals anytime you're in the grocery store and stock up on items that are non-perishable or ones that you know you'll be eating a lot of. Some great examples of lean muscle building bulk buys include: 

  • Bags of dried beans or brown rice (when combined together they provide an excellent meal full of protein and carbohydrates) 
  • Oatmeal or oats (inexpensive, great carbohydrate, and a staple of lean muscle builders)
  • Canned tuna (excellent source of protein and quite inexpensive)
  • Whole chickens (cheaper than their butchered counterparts)
  • Peanut butter (cheapest of the nut-butter family, stay away from hydrogenated and sugar-filled ones though)
  • Eggs (really cheap when bought in bulk, combine egg whites with oatmeal for a go-to lean muscle building breakfast)

Looking for a few simple grocery store swaps that will help keep your fitness goals on track Calgary? Check out the article below. 


Meal prep like mad

Having your food ready to go and prepared beforehand can be a huge lifesaver if you're looking to build lean muscle on a budget. In addition to making your life easier in terms of deciding what to eat, you'll also be less tempted to spend your hard-earned money on impulsive food purchases since you'll already have your meals for the day at the ready. Invest in some different sized food storage containers that easily allow you to measure out your portions and set aside one day a week to cook all your meals. Your bank account and body will thank you. 


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