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How A Personal Trainer Can Help You Recover After An Injury

How A Personal Trainer Can Help You Recover After An Injury

Coming back from a physical injury, like a car accident or sports injury, or recovering from surgery or illness can be a long and frustrating process. Oftentimes, injuries also lead to the deconditioning of the body. Time spent lying or sitting around waiting for your injury to heal can cause the rest of your body to weaken due to lack of movement and exercise. Some people may experience weight gain, a decrease in strength, and low self-esteem. After going through the process of recovering, returning to the gym can be intimidating especially when you no longer know what your body is capable of anymore. A personal trainer can help you recover safely, keep your motivation up, and ensure that the direction you're going will lead to a recovery that will get you back up to speed.

Finding The Right Personal Trainer Who Can Help

Not all personal trainers have the same skills and experience when dealing with clients training after an injury. It is important that when you are looking for a personal trainer, to ask them if they have had any experience working with someone coming off an injury. Working with an inexperienced personal trainer can put you at risk of re-injuring yourself again or creating bad habits in the gym that can cause further injury. An experienced trainer will properly assess you and your limitations to create an exercise routine tailored to your specific needs and keeping your injury in mind. With the right training, you will be able to gain the tools to eventually work out safely on your own. 

Benefits Of Working With A Personal Trainer After An Injury

Post-rehabilitation exercise programs provided by your personal trainer are specifically designed to restore the body’s full function and to facilitate a safe, speedy recovery. Here are some benefits of working with a personal trainer after an injury:

Customized Workout Routine

Going to the gym alone after an injury and not knowing what exercises to do and what to avoid can put you at a higher risk of being injured again. One of the best things about working with a personal trainer is that it is highly individualized. After assessing your condition and what your goals are, a personal trainer will design a workout program that is catered to your specific needs and conditions. You will not have to spend weeks or even months going through trial and error not knowing what workouts to do and how to do them to help you achieve your goals. A personal trainer will have you set on the right path from your first workout so you do not need to worry about re-injuring yourself and so you can reach your fitness goals faster. 

Faster Recovery

A well-crafted workout routine can promote a faster and more efficient recovery. Although everyone has different goals when it comes to fitness, your trainer will be able to help your body bounce back faster to its former condition (or better) to enable you to return to your daily activities. This is achieved with the help of exercises that target specific muscle groups, strengthening them and improving their overall function. 

Boost Your Mental State

Going through the process of recovering from an injury can take a toll on your mental health, especially if you're an athlete. You may no longer be able to do most things you love impacting your emotional well-being. When you are not your best mentally, it can be hard staying on track with your recovery, which in turn can push back your progress and recovery even further. A reliable personal trainer will create a positive, invigorating environment that can give you the motivation to exercise. The positive shift in your mindset can help you become more determined to recover and return to your normal routine. 

Be Accountable For Your Recovery

The road to recovery can be challenging. Along the way you may encounter several roadblocks that can slow you down or make you want to quit altogether. This is where a personal trainer can help. Your personal trainer is aware of your goals and will hold you accountable, ensuring that you are always staying on the right track. They will push you to work harder, provide support and encouragement, and inform you about your progress.

Recover From Your Injury With The Help Of A Personal Trainer In Calgary

Recovery can be a long, tiring journey. At times, it may feel like you are not improving at all and the motivation to get back to your original fitness level can be easily lost. In some cases, you may have the urge to rush the recovery process which often entails pushing yourself beyond your safety and comfort limits. All of these concerns ring true whether you are recovering from a surgical procedure, illness, or physical injury. Hiring a competent and compassionate personal trainer will help you craft realistic goals and devise a personalized exercise program that factors in your unique needs and circumstances. This in turn will keep you motivated to push harder, as well as help reach your goals.

At Jensen Fitness, our personal training, fitness coaching, and weight loss programs will provide you with all of the support you need to achieve your personal goals while helping you sustain your new healthy habits for the long term and improve your overall health. To start your weight loss or fitness journey, contact our team of personal trainers in SE Calgary by calling 1-403-200-0199 or by filling out our online contact form.


Q: When will I see results after consistent exercise? 
A: With consistent exercise and a healthy diet, you will notice improvements in your appearance, your fitness, and how you feel overall within 12 weeks. Everyone is different and some people may have more dramatic results after 12 weeks than others.

Q: How long after can I start exercising after an injury?
A: This will depend on the type of injury you have, the severity of the injury, and what your doctor advises. 

Q: Does Jensen Fitness have personal trainers who can help with injury recovery?
A: Yes, we do! At Jensen Fitness, we have a team of experienced personal trainers who can help you achieve your fitness goals while helping you recover from your injury safely. We understand how difficult it is to come back from an injury, therefore we provide all of the support you need to help you stay motivated and reach your goals.


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