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Why Sleep Is An Important Part Of An Effective Weight Loss Program

Why Sleep Is An Important Part Of An Effective Weight Loss Program

Not everyone has the same bedtime. Some people work early in the morning and others later in the day. But even if you don’t start your workday until noon, you should still try to get ready for bed shortly after the sun sets to match your body’s natural circadian rhythm. No matter what time you go to bed and wake up, you should get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep to make sure you are well-rested and ready for the day. Getting adequate sleep also helps you stick to your weight loss program, as it helps to control appetite and impulsive eating while matching the body’s metabolic cycle.

Sleep May Be Affecting Your Weight Loss Program

Sleep And Metabolism
Metabolism is the process within the body that converts food to energy. This vital process gives you the energy you need to function while also using the food you eat as nutrients. When people refer to others as having a high metabolism, they often mean that a person can eat a lot of food without putting on much weight, and this is because the body is quickly and effectively using the food to fuel its required energy. This is why teenagers and children going through growth spurts eat a lot; so their bodies can fuel their rapid growth. When we sleep, our metabolism slows down to conserve energy. This slowed metabolism translates to the body not burning as much fat when we sleep. But our metabolic cycle doesn’t account for if we actually fall asleep and instead functions around when we are supposed to be asleep according to our circadian rhythm. Staying awake while your metabolism is slowed leads to less burning of fat, which leads to more rapid weight gain if we eat during this period.

Sleep And The Brain
When we are overtired, the brain struggles to control impulses and instead makes us crave instant rewards. This often comes in the form of late-night snacking, which is made extra unhealthy since the brain also craves high-carb foods and larger portions. This is why you might be more likely to eat a bag of chips late at night even if you normally have the impulse control and the lack of appetite for this.

Sleep And Eating Habits
Another problem with a lack of sleep is the simple fact that you are able to eat when you are awake. When you sleep for a full 8 hours, that is time spent fasting and regulating your body’s eating habits. It’s easiest to naturally fast when you are asleep and not thinking about hunger, but when you’re awake at night, you will feel the hunger your body would otherwise ignore until morning. There is also the issue of eating once you wake up. People who are tired are more likely to seek a stimulant to help them feel awake, and it is common for this to come in the form of sugary coffees, teas, energy drinks, and even hot chocolate for those who are heavily affected by caffeine. If you are chronically tired, you are also less likely to take the time to prepare healthy meals and may instead lean towards frozen foods and take-out, making it difficult to follow your weight loss program.

Sleep And Physical Activity
It can be difficult to find the motivation to work out normally, and adding fatigue will only make you want to work out less. Even if you have a personal trainer motivating you to stick to your weight loss program and to exercise, it can be difficult to complete an adequate workout when you are unfocused due to fatigue. Even though exercise releases endorphins that make you feel better and more awake, the motivation to start exercising has to come first. Regular exercise can actually help improve sleep quality, and by not exercising due to a lack of sleep, sleep then remains poor and a vicious cycle can occur, making your weight loss program less effective. 

Calgary Weight Loss Programs

Getting enough sleep can help you on your weight loss journey, but it is not the only step required. Weight loss meal plans can help you to eat right and a weight loss coach can help you stay on track with the exercise, diet, and lifestyle changes required of your weight loss program. If you want a sustainable weight loss program that can help you to shed pounds and keep them off, contact a Jensen Wellness personal weight loss coach to help you reach your personal health goals. To learn more about the benefits of a personalized weight loss program, read more here. To start your weight loss program or fitness journey, contact our team of personal trainers in SE Calgary by calling 1-403-200-0199 or by filling out our online contact form.


Q: I don’t have time to go to a fitness centre to meet with a weight loss coach for my weight loss program. Is there an alternative?
A: Jensen Wellness offers online personal training to help you create healthier habits and maximize your overall health, fitness, and well-being, all from the comfort of your own home.

Q: Does good sleep only benefit my weight loss program?
A: While proper sleep is an important part of your weight loss program, it is also incredibly important for your mental health. Pairing good sleep with physical exercise will help you feel your best both physically and mentally. Read about the benefits of exercise and mental health here.

Q: How often should I exercise?
A: If you are just starting out, it is recommended that you exercise 1-2 times per week to avoid burning yourself out and to find a routine that works for you. If you have been exercising for a while, you can exercise for up to 5 days per week. Just make sure you are allowing your body adequate amounts of rest and recovery between workout sessions.



Whether you’re looking for a customized weight loss program, or a nutrition coach to help you live healthier, we’ll give you all the support and encouragement you need to get lasting and incredible results.


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