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A better word for "Busy"

Busy is an interesting word.   It does, however, have a slightly negative tone to it.  I am too busy to help with that.   I am too busy to get that task completed.   How about I am too busy to workout, or too busy to meal prep.   

I have often thought there is a better word for busy.    Is there a word that we can use to describe a positive situation where we are fulfilling our goals and wants and desires, while being productive and happy about it?    Is there a way to express that we are completing as many tasks as possible all while being polite and friendly to everyone we meet, regardless of the situation, while still achieving everything we want?    Let us see what has to say, here are a few of my favorites:

Hustling - A Dutch term of origin 1675-85, a variant of "Hutselen" meaning to shake.  To proceed or work rapidly or energetically.  To push or force ones way.  To be aggressive, especially in business or other financial dealings.  

Diligent - Middle English 1300-50, constant in effort to accomplish something; attentive and persistent in doing anything.  Done or pursued with persevering attention; painstaking.   

Thriving - Origin 1150-1200 Middle English "Thriven" or Old Norse "Thrifast" to thrive, reflexive "Thrifa" to grasp.  To prosper; be fortunate or successful.  To grow or develop vigorously; flourish.   

So the next time you feel "busy", think about what that word means.  Look at your life and feel Diligent, remember that you are Hustling and Thriving.  There is one more very important word that we must present ourselves to the world with that of "Gratitude".   



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